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Calgary Spring Football Association
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Division 1 Championship Game


Congratulations to the Cowboys on winning the Division 1 Championship game!

(photo by Andy Doyle-Linden)

What a game! It was a tough physical battle with both teams having to fight hard the entire game. The Raiders were first to get points on the board and worked hard to keep ahead.  The Cowboys battled back to win the Division 1 Championship and ended the game with a final score of 14 to 5 over the Raiders.

(photo by Andy Doyle-Linden)

Both teams had some strong defensive plays and some equally strong offence.  There were some costly mistakes and penalties that had great effect on the outcome. Congratulations to the Cowboys on the win.

Remember to check the Photo Gallery to see some amazing photos from this season as well as previous ones.

Thank you to the entire league for a great year!  Thank you to all the players, coaching staff, parents, board members, announcers, and volunteers for an incredibly successful year. 

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Playoffs Round 2 - MAY 24 - Games of the Week Reviews


Playoffs Round 1 - MAY 16 - Games of the Week Reviews
